Want to collaborate with others on a project in LesLinq? Yes, that is also possible! Read more about this handy feature here.

Create project

To collaborate on a project, you must first create a project. You can do this by selecting ‘New project’ from the LesLinq dashboard. You can now start adding images, buttons, shapes, text, audio and/or video. you can add actions,where desired, and further complete the interactive lesson, video or animation as you wish.

The Send / Collaborate function

The functionality to share a project for collaboration (Share / Collaborate) is available to anyone with a Create & Share or Create & Integrate account. You can only send an invitation from those accounts. Collaboration itself works with all account types, including the Create for Free account.

You can share your project in 2 ways:

1. from the LesLinq dashboard

LesLinq dashboard

From the LesLinq dashboard, go to the project you want to share to collaborate on and click on the ‘Send/Collaborate’ icon. If you click on it, you will be given 2 choices to share the project so that you can work on it together:

– Send to: send a copy of your project to another LesLinq user. First add him or her in your contact list via the ‘My Contacts’ tab. You can then select this user at the ‘Send to’ function. He/she will receive a link to the copy of the project by email.
– Collaborate with:This feature is for collaborating on a project. No copy is created and you work together on the same project. Enter the email address of the person you want to collaborate with on the project. The recipient will receive a link to open the project. If he/she does not have a LesLinq account, he/she can create a (free) account.

2. from the project canvas

LesLinq project canvas

In the screen where you edit the project (the canvas), you will see the ‘SHARE’ button at the top right. Here you will see Send / Collaborate in the list. Again you can choose between ‘Send to’ and ‘Collaborate with’.

As soon as the Collaborate function of a project is activated, you will see in the dashboard that a ‘shared’ label has been added to the project image. This ‘shared’ label is visible to anyone who can edit the project.

Together, but not at the same time

It is important to know that you can work on a project with several people, but not simultaneously. When 2 people work in the project at the same time, the version of the one who last saved the project overwrites the other version. Before you make changes to your Collaborated project, check with your Collaborate partner whether he/she also happens to be working on the same project in LesLinq. You will also receive a notification before you open a project.

Questions about the “collaborate” function?

Contact Chris Hof by e-mail or call 0682 077 845. Get started right away? Click here to login to LesLinq.