LesLinq’s advancements are happening at a rapid pace. We have an abundance of exciting news to share!


Looking to enhance the user experience? LesLinq now incorporates Read Speaker, a text-to-speech technology that automatically narrates on-screen text. With a multitude of languages and diverse voice options, you can choose between live streaming the audio or separate audio production for voice-overs. All conveniently available within LesLinq, catering to users in any language. Check out a short demo here.

read speaker in LesLinq

Question Module

Have you explored our Question Module yet? It allows you to seamlessly add questions throughout your microlearning content. Whether within videos, dispersed sections, or as end assessments, the Question Module offers extensive styling capabilities, allowing you the freedom to align it with your unique branding. Check out these 2 interactive tutorials:

Data Collection

At LesLinq, we understand the power of data. That’s why our Question Module prioritizes capturing user data. We track the accuracy of responses, the number of times a question is attempted, the time taken to answer, and even whether the final score meets the desired threshold for success. You can even automate the issuance of certificates upon achieving a passing score. Not only do we collect data from the Question Module. LesLinq allows you to gain valuable insights into user data through data points.

Project and Account Analytics

Our reporting section continually improves to harness the power of data. User data collection commences when users are invited via SMS or email to engage in microlearning. From that point forward, a wealth of user data is collected, providing invaluable insights into the learning process and facilitating targeted improvements.

read speaker in LesLinq

Want to Learn More About Creating Microlearnings?

If you would like to learn more, contact Chris Hof at 0682 077 845 or send us an email. Interested in a demo? Schedule an appointment here.