What is Initial Animation and how does it work?

For each element (image, button, shape, video, etc.) that you add to your canvas, you can control how it appears on screen. You set this via Initial Animation. The settings of Initial Animation can be found in the ‘Properties’ of the element. You open the...

Can I exclude a page from the default navigation?

LesLinq offers multiple ways to navigate between different pages. For example through the functions ‘Swipe Through’ and ‘Next/Previous’ (you can turn these on and off in the Project Settings). You also have an option in the Actions to navigate...

How do I compress images for faster loading time?

Of course, you want the loading time of your project to be as short as possible. No one has the sense and time to wait for a page to load. Using images that are too large is a major cause of long loading time. Reducing your images will make the web page load and...

What are the keyboard shortcuts of LesLinq?

Ctrl + s -> SaveCtrl + z -> UndoCtrl + Shift + z -> RedoCtrl + a -> Select allArrow keys -> Move elements by 1 pxShift + Arrow keys -> Move elements by 10 pxCtrl + g -> Group selected elementsCtrl + Shift + g -> Ungroup slected groupCtrl + c...